Dr Katie Bank

music history | arts & culture
I am a music historian and Leverhulme Early Career Fellow in the Department of History at the University of Birmingham. I write about recreational music and visual culture in early modern England and their intersection with emotional experiences of the past. Choir geek extraordinaire. Incredibly useful arts administrator.

Learn more about my recent publications in early modern English music and history. My writing considers areas such as historiography, musical intellectual history and aesthetics, musical-textual relationships, and ideas surrounding sense perception, emotion, and the formation of knowledge in early seventeenth-century English recreational vocal music.
Musical-Visual Culture in Early Modern England
This project investigates what textual and visual culture can jointly tell us about how early modern English people experienced music and music making. In spite of the video below, I should say that I am not focussing solely on objects with notation by notable composers.

The Eglantine Table at Hardwick Hall